...where I share my life, craftiness and eating habits with the world...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Exercising Feels GOOD!

So, does anyone ever remember hearing that working out is supposed to make you feel good and have more energy?  Who are those people?!  Every time I go run, I feel like I'm going to die...really.  My breathing goes all wheezy and I can't stop coughing, my muscles are on fire and I'm sweating like a pig.  So if that is what feeling good is all about you can count me out.  :D

I've decided that I am going to start "trying" to do yoga.  The Riverplex has a beginners yoga class on Tues and Thurs that I'm going to try.  I need to regain some of my lost flexibility.  When I worked in daycare I spent almost all day on the floor or trying(sometimes unsuccessfully) to sit in tiny chairs.

Shorter than these actually.
I know.
Having more flexibility will help in other areas of my life too...
So the bottom line is that
No matter how crappy I feel while doing it.
Because afterwards, believe it or not, I actually feel good.
It really is amazing.
Gotta run, taking Max to baby gym today.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Fa la la la la...la la la laaaaaaaaaa

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas tree...
Deck the Halls with ...well, you know right?

I've finally got into the Christmas mood today.  I wrapped presents almost all morning, and then I realized that I had no gift card thingies...oh no!
Soooooo, I had to go to the store.
On the last Saturday before Christmas.
I barely made it out alive.
I left the house at 2 and returned by 4. Not too bad if I do say so myself.  I didn't go to the grocery store though.
I haven't really been in the Christmas spirit this year...I usually have all the shopping done, and the presents wrapped by the beginning of December.  This year, nope.  Life just seemed to smack me in the face!  Christmas is in 7 days!
I still have gifts to make, let alone wrap!!!

I took Max to the gym with me on Thurs to see Santa. He walked right up to him and hopped on his lap. No smile though, but no fear either!

Reilly got to see Santa in Chicago too!  She is growing up so much.  I was glad she still wanted to.

Hopefully I will get it all done before the kids get out for break.

If not....
their teachers will have to get something else. 

Merry Christmas!!
I hope it's wonderful.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Water Babies and Fuzzy Boots

I did it!

I joined the Riverplex!

We are now a family that goes to the gym...
I went running on Sat, right after I got the membership...on Sunday I was so sore that it was hard to walk at work.  I tried to jog everywhere, but then people thought something bad was happening.
I took Max on Monday morning, and then when it was time to leave, he screamed like he was being murdered!  It was too funny.  I guess I'm at least happy that he likes it.  Today when we went to Toddler gym he tried to go to the babysitting afterwards.  I totally would have, but I def was not dressed to work out.  Skirts and leggings with fuzzy boots are not conducive to running.  We are going to go as a family tonight.  Swimming fun for all!

Look how much fun they all have in the pool!  This was taken on Father's Day this year.  We really need a bigger pool!
I think maybe I will go jog tonight while my kids swim.  I don't feel like I am really working out when I'm in the pool.  It's also easier with one less swimsuit and towel to lug around.  And...bonus, I'm not as sore today!  :D

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, To the Gym I Go...

I feel like the war is sadly over...and I lost.

I can't seem to control myself sometimes.  Some days I'm great.  I eat a small breakfast, small lunch and small dinner.  Other days I seem to stuff myself from dawn til dusk.  I ate so much the other night for dinner that I actually felt sick.  I had to lean back in order to breathe. 
Ridiculous, yes.
Totally unfulfilling, I know.
I still want to join a gym, but I'm just a terrible procrastinator. Maybe I would spend more time there than shopping?  I do like shopping so much.  I really need to learn to like working out better I guess.  That's it. I'm doing it! Today!
Watch out Riverplex, here I come!!

I'll let you all know how it goes...:D

Friday, December 2, 2011

Stress, Troubles, Chicago and Tea

Hi to all my loyal readers.  I know it;s a tad late for a Thanksgiving post, but here goes!

I managed not to stuff myself this year, but I've been overeating in other ways.  It seems like I've been very stressed out lately.  I mean it, VERY STRESSED OUT.  I love my husband, but he has not made the best decisions lately regarding our household finances.  So I've had to take over.  All this stress has led to a lot of overeating on my part!  Aaarrrggghhh!  I was doing so well too.  To top it all off my daughter is having problems at school.  First it was bad grades, then a suicide spelling sentence, now she's gotten herself a Saturday suspension.  I just do not know what to do!!!
Since when did I sign up for this stressful life?
It's no wonder that I haven't gained 50 lbs this week alone.
What I really wanna know is what happened to her. 
What happened to my cute sweet little girl?  I know she's growing up and all that, but why does she have to become so troubled at such a young age?  I love her so much, and I would probably die if anything happened to her.  So why is she not happy?

On a lighter note, we are taking a small trip to Chicago this weekend.  I hope this is an opportunity for her and I to hang out and really communicate.  We're taking the train, and staying in a hotel with an indoor pool.  Very grown up and fabulous!
With tea at the American Girl Doll store too!
Hope you all have a nice weekend also and I'll post some fun pics when I get home.