...where I share my life, craftiness and eating habits with the world...

Friday, December 2, 2011

Stress, Troubles, Chicago and Tea

Hi to all my loyal readers.  I know it;s a tad late for a Thanksgiving post, but here goes!

I managed not to stuff myself this year, but I've been overeating in other ways.  It seems like I've been very stressed out lately.  I mean it, VERY STRESSED OUT.  I love my husband, but he has not made the best decisions lately regarding our household finances.  So I've had to take over.  All this stress has led to a lot of overeating on my part!  Aaarrrggghhh!  I was doing so well too.  To top it all off my daughter is having problems at school.  First it was bad grades, then a suicide spelling sentence, now she's gotten herself a Saturday suspension.  I just do not know what to do!!!
Since when did I sign up for this stressful life?
It's no wonder that I haven't gained 50 lbs this week alone.
What I really wanna know is what happened to her. 
What happened to my cute sweet little girl?  I know she's growing up and all that, but why does she have to become so troubled at such a young age?  I love her so much, and I would probably die if anything happened to her.  So why is she not happy?

On a lighter note, we are taking a small trip to Chicago this weekend.  I hope this is an opportunity for her and I to hang out and really communicate.  We're taking the train, and staying in a hotel with an indoor pool.  Very grown up and fabulous!
With tea at the American Girl Doll store too!
Hope you all have a nice weekend also and I'll post some fun pics when I get home.

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