...where I share my life, craftiness and eating habits with the world...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Getting It Together Part II

Here is the second part to getting my stuff organized for the new year.  I finally got my DH to put together the cubeicals organizer that I got myself, and it looks great!

It fits right on top of the existing shelving unit that I have there.  Now, I just have to work on really organizing the shelves.  Most of them are filled with similar use items, but what is really great is that I can finally see almost all of my stuff at one time! Yay!
I've also decided that since someday I will have a room of my own to put my sewing stuff in that it will have my favorite color theme...
With white and black accents.

It will be sooo pretty when it is done.  Someday...
For now, I make do with the back corner of the house.  It has tons of light, which is great, but it is kinda chilly in the winter.  Oh well, beggars can't be choosers.

It's my little slice of heaven...now if I could only use it uninterrupted.  :)
(P.S.  It is never this clean, just for the pictures.)
Now I'm off to the gym...
for some yoga...


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