Last week I ran a mile again...I wanted to see if I could get the same time, or if it was a fluke.
It was all good...I went exactly as fast as I did the time before.
Since it only takes me about 12 minutes now, I still needed to work out for an additional 15+ minutes to get the minimum of 30 that I set for myself. So, I got on a bike.
I really liked it. I actually continued to sweat, but there was no joint rattling and pain.
I did about 3 miles in 15 minutes. It worked so well, that I did it again today.
When I was younger I never liked the bikes. I felt that if I wasn't feeling the burn, or not standing, that I wasn't doing anything worthwhile. I was so wrong. I won't be using it everyday, but a few times a week most likely.
I also have some sad news...
I love chips and salsa.
I mean it...
That is what I've been subsisting on for weeks now...
Little did I know, that tortilla chips are probably the worst thing I could eat. Ever.
I guess they have a high gylcemic index.
The glycemic index sounds complicated, but it's just a way of getting an idea of how a food is likely to affect blood sugar. For me, a diabetic, this is crucial.
So, in essence the tortilla chips are killing me.
(you can click on all the links to find out more about them)
So now, I have to stop eating them. boohoo...
I've never been very good at not eating stuff. I guess that's why I'm in a "Food War". Another battle is now being undertaken.
Victory is far off, but an attainable goal.
Thanks for going on this ride with me.