...where I share my life, craftiness and eating habits with the world...

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Chocolate Incident

So, I guess when I'm sick I have less self control than normal, because yesterday was a challenge.  I had to work too, which made it that much harder to eat right.  ER drove me absolutely crazy, and the break room was FILLED with chocolate, nonetheless, I did not eat any chocolate! I did however eat a whole block of cheese when I got home!  Oh well, it's better than chocolate.  I actually stood there in the break room with a mini Charleston Chew in my hand and did not eat it.  I smelled it, and that was torture enough.  I knew if I had the one, I would eat the rest of the box.  I just can't stop myself once I start.  The rest of my day wasn't so bad.  I had a banana for breakfast and 2 pieces of pizza for lunch.  Dinner was yummy, I had salmon, and garlic potatoes with an apple.  So besides the cheese block at 11 pm I did ok.  Which is a good thing, bc being sick can cause anyone's blood sugar levels to soar.  They can get so high it can cause a life threatening illness in a diabetic person.  For the non-diabetic it can cause them to have diabetic like symptoms.  The body fights off infection by releasing hormones into the bloodstream, and this causes the blood-sugar to rise dramatically.  So if you are a diabetic like me, you need to keep a close watch on your blood sugars, especially while sick.  My post today is going to be short because I'm still not feeling really well.  :(  Please send get well thoughts my way...

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